Dawson Elementary wants to extend a huge thank you to our incredible PTO and all the generous souls who contributed to the Porter girls' shopping spree. 

A few weeks ago, these sisters experienced the devastating loss of all their belongings in a house fire. Despite their hardships, their spirits and attitudes shine brightly. We can honestly say that they were more of a blessing to me (Principal Mrs. Farish) than they'll ever know.
The girls displayed boundless gratitude for every single thing they received and even expressed concern about how much we spent. 

We wrapped up their special day by involving them in selecting items for the Paw Pride Ambassadors' "Operation Christmas Child" November give-back project. 

While we hope we never have to face such challenges with another family, we are eternally grateful for the love and support our community consistently demonstrates. Thank you to all who donated for your unwavering dedication, whether it's in the classroom, around the school, or lending a helping hand to those in need. You make our world a better place.